Избежание (Diablo II)

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Версия от 02:51, 8 января 2023; Novax (обсуждение | вклад) (Развитие умения)
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Иконка умения



Избежание (англ. Evade) — умение амазонки в Diablo II из категории «Пассивные и магические навыки», доступное с 24 уровня.

Для изучения умения Избежание требуется изучить умение Уклонение и Ускользание.

A warrior skilled in Dodge and Avoid may eventually learn this additional ability. Once an Amazon has sharpened her defensive concentration to this level, she will eventually be able to dodge blows and other attacks while moving. This skill can also help keep the Amazon from harm as she moves out of the way of an exploding siege engine or avoids the wrath of an enraged Sorceress!

Passive Effect: Grants a chance to escape any attack while moving.

This skill also helps characters evade Area Effect Spells.

You probably don't want to put more than a few points into Evade. Some Amazons recommend just one point. The benefit of additional points drops off significantly.

Evade Lock The skill when successful will lock you in a dodging motion. This has the potential to stop you in your tracks when you are trying to run away. If monsters hit you while you are stopped you may die. Usually this is not a problem.

Развитие умения

Уровень умения Вероятность уклонения от любых атак % Уровень умения Вероятность уклонения от любых атак % Уровень умения Вероятность уклонения от любых атак %
1 18 21 56 41 62
2 24 22 57 42 62
3 29 23 57 43 62
4 34 24 58 44 62
5 37 25 58 45 63
6 40 26 58 46 63
7 42 27 59 47 63
8 44 28 59 48 63
9 46 29 60 49 63
10 47 30 60 50 63
11 49 31 60 51 63
12 50 32 60 52 63
13 51 33 61 53 63
14 52 34 61 54 64
15 52 35 61 55 64
16 54 36 61 56 64
17 54 37 61 57 64
18 55 38 62 58 64
19 55 39 62 59 64
20 56 40 62 60 65


Шаблон:Умения амазонки (Diablo II)