Достижения (Diablo IV)
Версия от 01:16, 15 февраля 2023; Novax (обсуждение | вклад)
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Данная игра находится в разработке. Представленная в статье информация не окончательная и может измениться в ходе разработки. |
Достижения (англ. Achievements) — своеобразные награды в Diablo IV, которые выдаются игроку за выполнение важных, уникальных или сложных заданий, особое использование игровых механик, достижение глобальных игровых целей, убийство врагов особыми способами или прогресс прохождения игры.
За некоторые достижения выдаются косметические награды, ... Полный список достижений можно просмотреть в специальном игровом меню.
Challenge I
72px | Fully Equipped Экипируйтесь магическими или предметами более высокого качества во всех ячейках. |
72px | Swift Hunter Убейте 15 монстров а 3 сек. |
Challenge II
72px | Geared for Battle Equip a Rare or higher quality item in every slot. |
72px | Глубокие карманы Collect 100,000 Obols. |
72px | Juggernaut Уничтожьте 50 объектов за 60 сек. |
72px | The Heroic Roster Reach level 100 with every class.
72px | Glyph Master Fully upgrade a paragon glyph. |
72px | Swift Slayer Убейте 30 монстров за 5 сек. |
72px | Champions No More Убейте 3 особых противников за 30 сек. |
72px | Вымирающий вид Kill one of each wildlife listed below.
72px | Nature's Friend Reach level 15 without killing a wildlife. |
72px | Бездонные карманы Pick up 1,500 gold within 30 seconds. |
72px | Paragon Pro Unlock 100 paragon nodes. |
Challenge III
72px | Legendary Hero Equip a Legendary or higher quality item in every slot. |
72px | Swift Destroyer Убейте 45 монстров за 8 сек. |
72px | Друг природы Reach level 50 without killing any wildlife. |
72px | Swift Delver Завершите подземелье за 2 мин. |
72px | Fury Frenzy Spend 110 Fury in a single attack. |
72px | Victory March Use Death Blow 7 times within 20 seconds. |
72px | Arsenal Kills Kill enemies with Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, and Dual Wielded Weapons within 5 seconds. |
72px | Rampage Go Berserk 40 times. |
72px | Battle Cry Use your Shouts 30 times. |
72px | Champion of Mount Arreat Reach level 50 as a Barbarian. |
72px | Paragon Unlock 2 Legendary Paragon nodes as a Barbarian. |
72px | Shapeshifting Transform 30 times without going back to Human form. |
72px | Tornadoes Kill 50 enemies with Tornadoes in a single dungeon as a Druid. |
72px | Storm Kill 30 Vulnerable enemies with Lightning Storm. |
72px | Animalistic Fury Kill 30 enemies infected with Rabies while in Werewolf form. |
72px | Champion of Scosglen Reach level 50 as a Druid. |
72px | Paragon Unlock 2 Legendary Paragon Nodes as a Druid. |
72px | Challenge Maintain Bonestorm for 20 seconds. |
72px | Corpse Kill 40 enemies with Corpse Explosion. |
72px | Blood Orbs Pick up 10 Blood Orbs in 20 seconds. |
72px | Shadow Kill 20 enemies with Shadow damage in 30 seconds as a Necromancer. |
72px | Follower of Rathma Reach level 50 as a Necromancer. |
72px | Priest of Rathma Unlock 2 Legendary Paragon Nodes as a Necromancer. |
72px | Dungeon Kill 25 enemies in melee range and 25 enemies outside of melee range in a single dungeon as a Rogue. |
72px | Fatal Flaw Kill 30 enemies marked with Inner Sight. |
72px | Preparation Use your Ultimate 3 times in 60 seconds as a Rogue. |
72px | Traps Убейте 25 противников с помощью ловушек. |
72px | The Unseen Assassin Kill 25 enemies with attacks from Stealth. |
72px | Champion of the Sightless Eye Reach level 50 as a Rogue. |
72px | Paragon Unlock 2 Legendary Paragon Nodes as a Rogue. |
72px | Icy Grip Freeze 30 enemies. |
72px | Shocking Kill 15 enemies with Ball Lightning in 5 seconds. |
72px | Master of Magic Equip a skill in every Enchantment slot. |
72px | Sorcerer: Paragon Unlock 2 Legendary Paragon Nodes as a Sorcerer. |
72px | Champion of the Vizjerei Reach level 50 as a Sorcerer. |
72px | Enchanting Kill 20 enemies with your enchantments. |
Crafting I
72px | Шахтер Collect 500 Iron Ore and 175 Silver Ore.
72px | Инкрустация Add a socket to an item. |
72px | Concoction Craft an elixir at the Alchemist. |
72px | Pleasing Vapors Craft an Incense at the Alchemist. |
72px | Миксология Upgrade your Healing Vial at the Alchemist. |
72px | Aspect Apprentice Extract an Aspect Crystal from a legendary item. |
72px | Материалы в достатке Collect every common, uncommon, and rare crafting material.
72px | Травничество Collect 250 Gallowvine and 75 of all other common and uncommon herbs.
72px | Мастер снятия шкур Collect 250 Rawhide and 100 Superior Leather
72px | Codex Commander Imprint an item at the Occultist with an Aspect from the Codex of Power. |
72px | Утилизатор Разоберите обычный, магический, редкий, и легендарный предмет.
Crafting II
Crafting III
Exploration I
Exploration II
Exploration III
Season 1
Monsters I
Monsters II
Monsters III
Multiplayer I
Multiplayer II
Multiplayer III
OpenWorld I
OpenWorld II
OpenWorld III
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