Уникальные мечи (Diablo IV)

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Уникальные мечи (англ. Unique Swords) — один из типов уникальных предметов в Diablo IV, которые может экипировать персонаж любого класса.

Вестник Рока

Предмет Характеристики

Вестник Рока
Уникальный меч

Your skills have a [_]% chance to also deal X Shadow damage to nearby enemies and reduce their damage done by [_]% for 3 seconds.
"Throughout history, whenever this ancient sword has re-appeared, it is believed to portend a time of great strife to come, as well as a devastating loss of life." - Barrett's Book of Implements

Blade of the Oblivion Knight

Blade of the Oblivion Knight
Уникальный меч

Critical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed by +[_]% for [_] seconds.
Whenever you stare at the reflection in this blade, you see a demonic figure standing behind you: vague and distorted, but always laughing.

Название отсутствует

Название отсутствует
Уникальный меч

«Бешенство» с вероятностью [_]% применяет к цели «Молот Древних».

Временное название (Неистовство ветра)

Временное название (Неистовство ветра)
Уникальный меч

After generating [_] Fury your next Core Skill creates a Dust Devil that deals [_] damage to enemies behind the target.
"Without him the wine is less sweet, the hearth less warm, and our blades less keen. He deserved to see ten thousand more suns. Our blood-brother is gone, but Bul-Kathos willing, we will meet again one day." - Sorrowsong for Ramaladni


Уникальный меч



Шаблон:Уникальные предметы (Diablo IV)