Друид (Diablo IV)
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Друид | |
Ресурс | Дух |
Используемое оружие | Одноручное оружие, двуручное оружие, посохи. |
Уникальная экипировка | |
Доступные стихии урона | Физический урон, молния, яд. |
Друид (англ. Druid) — один из классов персонажей в Diablo IV.
Друид — мастер перевоплощения, который может мгновенно принять облик исполинского медведя или свирепого волка-оборотня. В разных обликах друиду доступны разные наборы способностей. Кроме того, друид способен управлять силами природы, обрушивая на врагов ярость магии земли, ветра и бури, а также призывать себе на помощь диких существ.
Очки умений можно заработать, получив новый уровень или выполнив одну из глобальных задач любым героем на учетной записи.
Умения категории «Базовый»
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Позволяет накопить силу духа: [_] ед.
Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing [_/_/_/_/_] ед. урона.
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Позволяет накопить силу духа: [_] ед.
Electricity gathers around your weapon, dealing [_/_/_/_/_] damage split between your target and up to [_/_/_/_/_] nearby enemies.
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Позволяет накопить силу духа: [_] ед.
Shapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for [_/_/_/_/_] damage.
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Позволяет накопить силу духа: [_] ед.
Вы принимаете облик медведя и потрошите противника, нанося [_/_/_/_/_] урона.
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Spirit Skills ?
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Затраты духа: [_] ед.
Crush enemies between 3 pillars of earth, dealing up to X damage.
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Затраты духа: [_] ед.
Conjure a swirling tornado that deals X damage.
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Затраты духа: [_] ед.
Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals [_/_/_/_/_] damage per strike and increases the number of strikes the longer it is channeled up to a maximum of [_].
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72px | Сердце дикой природы |
Затраты духа: [_] ед.
Максимальный запас силы духа увеличивается на [_/_/_] ед.
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Затраты духа: [_] ед.
Shapeshift into a Werewolf and leap onto an enemy slashing them 3 times for [_/_/_/_/_] damage per slash.
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Затраты духа: [_] ед.
Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing [_/_/_/_/_] damage to nearby enemies.
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72px | Дикие инстинкты |
Основные навыки расходуют на [_]% больше силы духа, но наносят на [_]% больше урона.
Умения категории «Защита»
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Время восстановления: [_] сек.
Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting [_/_/_/_/_]% получаемый нефизический reduction.
Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing {payload:KNOCKBACK} damage.
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72px |
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Позволяет накопить силу духа: [_] ед.
Shapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, restoring [{SF_0} * 100
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72px |
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Время восстановления: [_/_/_/_/_] сек.
Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing damage dealt of nearby enemies by [_/_/_/_/_]% for [_] seconds.
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Время восстановления: [_] сек.
Вас окружают камни на [_] сек., поглощая [_/_/_/_/_] ед. урона.
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72px | Бдительность |
После того как вы применяете навык категории "Защита", получаемый вами урон уменьшается на [{SF_0} * 100]% на c_yellow}{buffduration:DAMAGE_REDUCTION} сек.
72px | Стойкость предков |
Сопротивление нефизическому урону повышается на [{SF_1} * 100]%.
Companion Skills
Время восстановления: [_] сек.
Пассивный эффект: A vine creeper periodically emerges from the ground every {c_yellow}{SF_0}{/c} seconds and poisons a nearby enemy for {c_yellow}{dot:TOOLTIP_PET_POISON}{/c} damage over {c_yellow}{buffduration:TOOLTIP_PET_POISON}{/c} seconds.
Эффект при активации: Vines strangle all nearby enemies, Immobilizing them for {c_yellow}{buffduration:BUFF_STRANGLE}{/c} seconds and poisoning them for {c_yellow}{dot:ACTIVE_POISON}{/c} damage over {c_yellow}{buffduration:ACTIVE_POISON}{/c} seconds.
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Время восстановления: [_] сек.
Пассивный эффект: Summon {c_yellow}{SF_0}{/c} wolf companions that bite enemies for {c_yellow}{payload:TOOLTIP_DAMAGE}{/c} damage.
Active{/c}: Direct the wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for {c_yellow}{payload:TOOLTIP_DAMAGE_LEAP}{/c} damage.
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Время восстановления: [_] сек.
{c_gold}Passive:{/c} {c_yellow}{SF_1}{/c} Raven{if:SF_21}s{/if} fly above you and periodically attack your enemies for {c_yellow}{payload:TOOLTIP_DAMAGE}{/c} damage every {c_yellow}{SF_2}{/c} seconds.
Active{/c}: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing {c_yellow}{payload:POOL_TOOLTIP_DAMAGE}{/c} damage over {c_yellow}{SF_4}{/c} seconds.
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72px | Предел сил Природы |
Вы наносите на {c_yellow}x[{SF_0} * 100]%{/c} больше урона противникам, находящимся вне области ближнего боя. Эффективность усиления удваивается, если ваша цель замедлена, оглушена, обездвижена или отброшена.
72px | Зов дикой природы |
Вы наносите на {c_yellow}x[{SF_1} * 100]%{/c} больше критического урона цели, на которой сосредоточена атака ваших {c_white}волков{/c}.
Атаки {c_white}воронов{/c} наносят на {c_yellow}x[{SF_7} * 100]%{/c} больше урона {c_white}уязвимым{/c} противникам. Время действия яда {c_white}лозового ползуна{/c} увеличивается на {c_yellow}[{SF_5} * 100]%{/c}. |
72px | Ясность |
Принимая облик человека, вы накапливаете {c_yellow}{SF_0}{/c} ед. силы духа.
Wrath Skills
Время восстановления: [_] сек.
{/if}Form a hurricane around you that deals {c_yellow}{payload:TOOLTIP_DAMAGE}{/c} damage to nearby enemies over {c_yellow}{SF_4}{/c} seconds.
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{if:SF_13}{c_gold}Recharge:{/c_gold} {c_green}[{Recharge Time}
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Trample desc {if:Mod.Spirit}{c_gold}Generates Spirit:{/c} {c_green}{SF_11}{/c}
{/if}{c_gold}Cooldown: {/c}{c_green}[{Cooldown Time}|1|]{/c}
{if:ADVANCED_TOOLTIP}{c_gold}Lucky Hit Chance: {/c}{c_green}{Combat Effect Chance}%{/c}
{/if}Shapeshift into a Werebear and charge forward, dealing {c_yellow}{payload:PAYLOAD_DAMAGE}{/c} damage and Knocking Back enemies.
Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional {c_yellow}{payload:TERRAIN_IMPACT_DAMAGE}{/c} damage and are stunned for {c_yellow}{buffduration:TERRAIN_IMPACT}{/c} seconds. rankup_desc Damage increased {c_yellow}{payload:PAYLOAD_DAMAGE}{/c}. Terrain impact damage increased to {c_yellow}{payload:TERRAIN_IMPACT_DAMAGE}{/c}. Mod1_Description You are {c_white}Unstoppable{/c} during {c_white}Trample{/c}. Mod1_Name Enhanced Trample Mod2_Description Casting {c_white}Trample{/c} grants {c_yellow}{fortified:MOD_FORTIFY}{/c} {c_white}Fortify{/c}. Mod2_Name Natural Trample Mod3_Description Casting {c_white}Trample{/c} grants {c_yellow}{SF_11}{/c} Spirit. Mod3_Name Savage Trample
Тяжелый шаг desc {if:Mod.Spirit}{c_gold}Generates Spirit:{/c} {c_green}{SF_11}{/c}
{/if}{c_gold}Cooldown: {/c}{c_green}[{Cooldown Time}|1|]{/c}
{if:ADVANCED_TOOLTIP}{c_gold}Lucky Hit Chance: {/c}{c_green}{Combat Effect Chance}%{/c}
{/if}Shapeshift into a Werebear and charge forward, dealing {c_yellow}{payload:PAYLOAD_DAMAGE}{/c} damage and Knocking Back enemies.
Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional {c_yellow}{payload:TERRAIN_IMPACT_DAMAGE}{/c} damage and are stunned for {c_yellow}{buffduration:TERRAIN_IMPACT}{/c} seconds. rankup_desc Урон увеличивается до {c_yellow}{payload:PAYLOAD_DAMAGE}{/c} ед. Урон от столкновения с препятствиями увеличивается до {c_yellow}{payload:TERRAIN_IMPACT_DAMAGE}{/c} ед. Mod1_Description Пока действует {c_white}"Тяжелый шаг"{/c}, вы становитесь {c_white}непреклонны{/c}. Mod1_Name Enhanced Trample Mod2_Description Применив навык {c_white}"Тяжелый шаг"{/c}, вы получаете {c_yellow}{fortified:MOD_FORTIFY}{/c} ед. к показателю {c_white}укрепления{/c}. Mod2_Name Улучшение A Mod3_Description {c_white}"Тяжелый шаг"{/c} позволяет накопить {c_yellow}{SF_11}{/c} ед. силы духа. Mod3_Name Улучшение B
Глыба desc {c_gold}Cooldown: {/c}{c_green}[{Cooldown Time}|1|]{/c}
{if:ADVANCED_TOOLTIP}{c_gold}Lucky Hit Chance: {/c}{c_green}{Combat Effect Chance}%{/c}
{/if}Unearth a large rolling boulder that Knocks Back and crushes enemies, dealing {c_yellow}{payload:IMPACT}{/c} damage with each hit. rankup_desc Урон увеличивается до {c_yellow}{payload:IMPACT}{/c} ед. Mod0_Description Когда вы атакуете противников, отброшенных {c_white}"Глыбой"{/c}, ваши {c_white}базовые{/c} навыки позволяют накопить на {c_yellow}[{SF_18}*100]%{/c} больше силы духа. Mod0_Name Улучшение A Mod2_Description Противники, пораженные {c_white}"Глыбой"{/c}, замедляются на {c_yellow}[{SF_22}*100]%{/c} на {c_yellow}{buffduration:BUFF_MOD_SLOW}{/c} сек. Mod2_Name Enhanced Boulder Mod1_Description Первый противник, пораженный {c_white}"Глыбой"{/c}, становится {c_white}уязвимым{/c} на {c_yellow}{SF_19}{/c} сек. Mod1_Name Улучшение B
Boulder desc {c_gold}Cooldown: {/c}{c_green}[{Cooldown Time}|1|]{/c} {if:ADVANCED_TOOLTIP}{c_gold}Lucky Hit Chance: {/c}{c_green}{Combat Effect Chance}%{/c} {/if}Unearth a large rolling boulder that Knocks Back and crushes enemies, dealing {c_yellow}{payload:IMPACT}{/c} damage with each hit. rankup_desc Damage increased to {c_yellow}{payload:IMPACT}{/c}. Mod2_Description Enemies are slowed by {c_yellow}[{SF_22}*100]%{/c} for {c_yellow}{buffduration:BUFF_MOD_SLOW}{/c} seconds after being hit with {c_white}Boulder{/c}. Mod2_Name Enhanced Boulder Mod0_Description Your {c_white}Basic{/c} skills grant {c_yellow}[{SF_18}*100]%{/c} bonus Spirit while damaging enemies who are Knocked Back by {c_white}Boulder{/c}. Mod0_Name Natural Boulder Mod1_Description The first enemy damaged by {c_white}Boulder{/c} is made {c_white}Vulnerable{/c} for {c_yellow}{SF_19}{/c} seconds. Mod1_Name Savage Boulder
Elemental Exposure desc {c_gold}Lucky Hit:{/c} Your {c_white}Storm{/c} skills have up to a {c_yellow}{SF_0}%{/c} chance to make enemies {c_white}Vulnerable{/c} for {c_yellow}[{SF_1}|1|]{/c} seconds. Сила стихий desc {c_gold}Удачный удар:{/c} ваши навыки {c_white}бури{/c} с вероятностью {c_yellow}{SF_0}%{/c} делают противников {c_white}уязвимыми{/c} на {c_yellow}[{SF_1}|1|]{/c} сек.
Crushing Earth desc {c_white}Earth{/c} skills deal {c_yellow}x[{SF_1} * 100]%{/c} increased damage to Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized or Knocked Back enemies.
Стойкость предков desc Сопротивление нефизическому урону повышается на {c_yellow}[{SF_1} * 100]%{/c}.
Iron Fur desc While in Werebear form, damage reduction is increased by {c_yellow}[{SF_2} * 100]%{/c}.
This bonus persists for {c_yellow}{buffduration:BUFF_MITIGATION_TEMP}{/c} seconds after leaving Werebear form.
Железный мех desc Пока вы находитесь в облике медведя, получаемый вами урон уменьшается на {c_yellow}[{SF_2} * 100]%{/c}.
Эффект сохраняется в течение {c_yell
Lycanthropic Speed desc While in Werewolf form, your Movement Speed is increased by {c_yellow}[{SF_2} * 100]%{/c}.
This bonus persists for {c_yellow}{buffduration:BUFF_SPEED_TEMP}{/c} seconds after leaving Werewolf form.
Стремительность оборотня desc Пока вы находитесь в облике волка, ваша скорость передвижения повышается на {c_yellow}[{SF_2} * 100]%{/c}.
Эффект сохраняется в течение {c_yellow}{buffduration:BUFF_SPEED_TEMP}{/c} сек. после принятия другого облика.
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72px | 111111 |
Умения категории «Мощный навык»
Petrify Defensive Posture Grizzly Rage Quickshift Lacerate Cataclysm Defiance
Умения категории «???»
Ursine Strength Bestial Fury Lupine Ferocity Earthen Might Nature's Fury Perfect Storm
Старые умения
Heightened Senses Damage reduction against nearby enemies is increased by X%.
Predatory Instinct Deal X% increased damage to nearby enemies.
Lupine Swiftness While in werewolf form, movement speed is increased by X% This bonus persists for X seconds after leaving werewolf form.
Iron Hide While werebear form, damage reduction is increased by X%. This bonus persists for X seconds after leaving werebear form.
Call of the Wild Your critical strike chance is increased by X% against your wolves' focus target. Raven passive attacks make enemies Vulnerable for X% of the damage dealt. Vine Creeper's poison duration is increased by X%.
Overpower Hit Effect: Up to X% chance on hit to knock down slowed enemies for X seconds.
Rabid Strikes Your werewolf skills poison the target for X% of the damage dealt over X seconds.
Scent of Blood Deal X% increased damage to crowd controlled enemies.
Hunt the Weak Critical strike chance is increased by X% against poisoned enemies while shapeshifted.
Feral Spirit Critical strike damage is increased by X% for X seconds after using a Shapeshifting skill.
Storm and Claw While Hurricane or Cataclysm is active, Shapeshifting skills deal an additional X% damage as lightning.
Quickshift After shapeshifting into a different form, your next skill deals X% increased damage.
Natural Balance Earth and Storm skills that consume Spirit restore X% Life.
Abundance Basic skills generate X% more Spirit.
Eye of the Storm Critical strikes with Storm skills increase the critical strike chance of non-Storm skills by X% for X seconds.
Ancestral Fortitude Increase your non-physical resistances by X%.
Elemental Exposure Targets hit by Spirit skills become Vulnerable for X% of the damage dealt.
Natural Resonance Earth and Storm skills deal X% increased damage.
Endless Tempest Increase the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm by X%.
Primal Resonance Earth skills deal X% increased Crushing Blow damage.
Undergrowth Increase the duration of crowd control effects by X%.
Earthbind Hit Effect: Earth skills have up to a X% chance to immobilize enemies for 3 seconds.
Fury of Nature Hit Effect: Enemies hit by Earth and Storm skills have up to 20% chance to take X% increased critical strike damage from you for 5 seconds.
|Perfect Storm Storm skills deal X% increased damage to Vulnerable targets.
Earthen Might Enemies hit by Earth skills take X% increased damage from Earth skills for X seconds, up to X%.
11111 — уникальная механика друидов, ...