Diablo — Легенды некромантов: Ратма

Материал из GlassCannon Wiki — энциклопедия игр Blizzard
Версия от 23:47, 10 августа 2023; Novax (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{В разработке}} Файл:Diablo-Legends-of-the-Necromancer-Rathma-cover.jpg|300px|thumb|right|<div style="text-align: center;">Обложка ко…»)
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Diablo — Легенды некромантов: Ратма (англ. Diablo - Legends of the Necromancer - Rathma) — комикс писателя Фреда Кеннеди и художника Адам Горэм, вышедший 16 июля 2024 года.

Centuries after Lilith’s banishment, her son, Linarian, has buried his lineage, denying his innate ability to control life and death. But when a ruthless queen shatters his peace and summons him to the ruined citadel of the Firstborn, Linarian must take up the mantle to save Sanctuary from her twisted intentions. As his power grows, a familiar voice calls to him from the darkness, showing him the potential of his talents and the perilous road he must walk to understand them.

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