Легендарные кольца (Diablo IV)

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Легендарные кольца (англ. Legendary Ring) — один из типов легендарных предметов в Diablo IV, которые может экипировать персонаж любого класса.

Кольцо трех проклятий

Предмет Характеристики

Кольцо трех проклятий
Легендарное кольцо

Атака: 498
Meteor gains a [45]% critical strike damage bonus against vulnerable targets
+4 случайных магических свойства

Кольцо замороженной мысли


Кольцо замороженной мысли
Легендарное кольцо

Атака: 170
Защита: 166
Your physical attacks Chill enemies. Enemies who are chilled enough times become Frozen
+2 случайных магических свойства
«The beggar grinned at Torin, and touched him with a crooked finger. Before Torin could finish his insult, he toppled over and shattered on the cobbles». — Field Notes of Captain Aymon

Иорданов камень


Иорданов камень
Легендарное кольцо

Атака: [173–175]
Защита: [161–167]
+[1] rank to your equipped skills
+2 случайных магических свойства
«The ring is the work of an unknown Ammuit mage. Sadly, the secret of its creation was stolen and the mage's name erased from history by the clan to which he belonged». — Barrett's Book of Implements

The Writhing Band


The Writhing Band
Легендарное кольцо

Атака: [167–168]
Защита: [168–170]
Hit Effect: Your attacks have up to a [7]% chance to spawn a hydra that will aid you in combat
+3 случайных магических свойства
The ring shifts and spins on your finger as the force within desperately attempts to escape.

Nature's Balance

Nature's Balance
Легендарное кольцо

Storm skill damage increases Earth skill damage by [17]% for 5 seconds. In addition, Earth skills increase the critical strike chance of Storm skills by [16]% for 5 seconds
+2 случайных магических свойства


Шаблон:Легендарные предметы (Diablo IV)